Resonant is when a deep clear sound continue to vibrate or ring to prolong sounds. Resonant is also the resonance or vibrations when sounds created from air vibrations are transmitted to another object with same resonance or vibrations frequency.
At Resonant we aim to create that resonanting experience with each one of you. Resonant is a place to gather and connect all Music & Art Producers, DJs, VJs, Events Organizers, Music Lovers, Art Lovers and of course all Party People. We welcome everyone to share their works, ideas and favourites to the Resonant family.
Resonant 是共鳴共振的自然現象,聲音的產生傳輸是透過空氣在不同的頻率震動下產生的,每個物質對於不同頻率的聲音產生共鳴和共振。 Resonant 希望在這個大家庭裡可以用不同的方式與每個特別的你/妳一起找到同樣的共鳴共振的頻率。Resonant 歡迎每個人的加入。
這是一個提供所有藝術創造者和藝術文化愛好者分享的平台,不管你是音樂創作者、DJ、 VJ、任何型態的藝術家、音樂文藝活動主辦人、愛好音樂者或派對玩家 Resonant 家族都歡迎你/妳在這邊分享。