[Draft] Out of the Maagdenhuis we set up a virtual and actual free and open space, for research, information exchange and deliberation / co-creation, campaigning and movement building together, as students, academics, workers, citizens, activists in the Maagdenhuis, at the departments of UvA, and all other that work toward social transformation and democratic renewal. We think, in order to counter the local and world news spin and discourse of commercial and public media we urgently need to give a broader voice to the emancipatory agendas, analyses, strategies, campaigns, movement and organisation growing here with a vision that is reaching beyond what market and state players would want public to believe.
Web-site: newuni.nl/,
Hackfolder tinyurl.com/dnuinfo
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/De-Nieuwe-Universiteit-voor…
Twitter: @Bungehuisbezet