Welcome on my channel. Here you will find videos and a lot of piano music. Images and the kind of music that fascinate me or have moved me.
My themes are beauty and Essence. I like to stretch time and space quite a bit. Think, for instance, of slow-TV. Also, I like to alter perspective: it is not the object which is important, but rather the one who sees and how the perception takes place. I’m often inspired by the Advaita.
You’re also invited to my Minimal Cabinet, a window with minimal events. Little happens but just that catches the eye!
For more extended videos (in Dutch) visit my site: www.onepiecepuzzle.nl
For a quick look: www.instagram.com/onepiecepuzzle.nl/
Jeroen van den Tempel
video artist and pianist
video's en pianomuziek – spelen met tijd en ruimte – slow TV