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🤪🤗😆分享在美生活的點點滴滴,吃喝玩樂. 買房,工作,寵物,狗狗,貓貓,離婚,找律師,找心裡諮詢師...shari

看到我在拍他就趕快逃跑.escape when he saw me videoing him . baseball Oreo team at cups practice baseball Oreo team practice at cups Hokkaido sushi have musician have musician every Saturdays 可爱的车上手机架,后悔买了它.cute phone holder, but you might regret#car holder#car#cute#cheap 朋友强力推荐,等了一个.小时的披萨. got strong recommend by a friend waiting for 1 hour pizza.#yam #pizza#food 猫日記/Mola daily -- 舔完就发睡#cute#animals #好物分享 #好玩 #好玩遊戲 #美女 #fun #prettygirl #beautiful #cartoon #whattoplay #好物分享 #好玩 #好玩遊戲 #美女#fun #beautiful #love 连老猫都爱不释手的逗猫棒😆, Even an old cat love to death cat teaser. #catlover #funny 他到底在叫什么??he has been yelling for ? 🙄#cat 怎么办一天到晚求我碰她的猫.a cat who is begging you every moment.🥴#cat 睡到欲罢不能四脚朝天的猫,a cat can't help herself on sleeping..🙄😅#cat 你看怎么办!这两只猫一天到晚赖在我腿上不走.these 2 cats stick on my leg, I can't never let go.🥴#cat #catlover #cat 超享受的猫😌she is so enjoyable, please don't stop patting me. #cats 落荒而逃的猫. 我有这么恐怖吗?才刚靠近..🙄 a black cat got too scared,run as fast as she could, why... 猫的撕杀,互看不顺眼.Suddenly cat fight!🥴 #cat #pet 你知道他每天必做一件事吗? Do you know there's ine thing he must do#catlover #funny #animals #cute 这只猫有多难搞a cat like a king#catlover #funny #cat #cute #catvideos #shorts #animals 猫都在想什么?what cat think at home? #cat #catlover #cute #recommended #animals #catvideos #fun 被猫抓到我偷拍他he got me I am videoing him#funny #cat #pet #catlover #animals #cute #catvideos #shorts 害怕水瓶子的猫😅A cat scared of water bottle#cat #funny #catlover #recommended #catvideos #shorts #share 试吃Tony's烤肋排,番茄味很重,跟平常烤肉味道不一样.try Tony's grilled rib,totally different from Chinese flavor#foodlover 你猜是谁在偷看我还偷喝我的奶茶😅You guess who is peeking me and drinking my milk tea?#funny #cat #catlover #cute 你们家小朋友玩游戏也这状况吗😅Your kids are like this when they are playing games? -2 #gameplay #gaming #funny#fun 你们家小朋友玩游戏也这状况吗😅Your kids are like this when they are playing games?-1 #gaming #gameplay#kids #funny 你确定你敢养猫吗? 😩U sure u dare have a cat? #cat #catlover #recommended #animals #funny #cute #catvideos 现在终于知道为什么大家说猫像女人😅Now I know why women is like a cat.#cat #catlover #funny #animals #cute #women 真材实料.起士超多好吃的义大利麵🥰Big and yam nun fooled Italian Noodle #foodlover #italianfood #recommended #yammy Driveing all night to Cleveland, drink tons of coffee😅熬夜开车到克里夫兰不知道喝了几杯咖啡#recommended #funny #driving it can't crying crazy.狂叫的猫#cat #catlover #animals #recommended #cute#scary have you ever seen cat's tail like that? 猫的尾巴怎么了?#cat #catlover #funny #recommended #animals 猫来找你玩,没想到他竟..she came to you for fun , but you never thought she would do this to you.#cat#catlover A cat following me and sleep on my bed,这只猫一直跟着我还在床上睡着了..🥰 两份早午餐40元 在印第安纳州,你们觉得贵吗🙄brunch $40 dollars for two in Westfield IN , how you feel? 猫咪也疯狂.dizzy cat.. 😂 日本料理 sushi in Naperville.味道还行,不贵但量不多. Sushi in Naperville,taste is ok, not expensive but not much 当你想跟猫玩黑白配时...😛😂😩 When you want to play Rock scissor paper with cat.... 猫咪不小心跑到窗户旁边了他会怎么做?😅What will the cat do he accidentally ran to the window edge? 有人可以告诉我,猫发生了什么事情吗?一直叫不停。😩😬Can someone tell me, what happened to the cat?non stop... 猫宝贝-总是被无情的对待😅😩,Pussy Babe - always treated ruthlessly.Pussy Babe: siempre tratada sin piedad 被你发现了我躲在这里😜You got me I hide here.被你發現了我躲在這裡.Me encontraste sentado aquí 偷偷看你😅watching u 天竺鼠-请问有什么好看的吗😔🙄一整天也不想下来.guinea pig.-Is there anything nice to see?does not want to come down all day 我亲爱的猫宝贝请问你到底在找什么🙄?找到了吗?Dear baby cat , what are you looking for can you tell me? did you find it? 买来吃吃看流口水的蛋糕,就是蛋糕本身干了一点,但是整体好吃😋try it out, delicious ,but just a bit dry on cake own. Twin Rinks Ice Pavilion - 不大,但很干净,很友好.not big ,but clean nest,and friendly 👍🤪 进去麦当劳坐 坐,打发时间等小朋友上曲棍球 😛🤗 at McDonald's pass the time and wait for the children to play hockey