Hi guys…I’ve been a guitar lover for decades since the first time I saw Kiss as an 8 year old… It’s Rock or metal for me (still stuck in the 80’s mostly though) …..just love the sound of a distorted guitar!!! So many influences but I have my faves which you will learn over time.
I have 28 guitars and I know that’s kinda wrong but hey… you only live once right?
I have 2 awesome sons in their mid twenties who I love to bits, one a guitar player and the other a multiple football code lover … win - win for me.
I have the most amazing and beautiful girlfriend in the world who lives in the UK and we met on Twitter of all places lol. We see each other 4 or 5 times a year and she will be moving here in the not too distant future and I can’t wait!!!
Anyway …enough about that.
This channel is an outlet for my playing and I hope you enjoy what I post… feel free to comment or ask any questions about playing or my axes and I will do my best to answer….
Keep rocking and shredding those fretboards!