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𝐑𝐚𝐳𝐞 He/him Omnisexual (Most unprofessional person you

1 day ago - 1.2K likes

hai chat incase u didn’t notice I changed my character because someone got a bit bored.. anyways edit dumping this silly guy cause I can.

ALSO IM CURRENTLY STILL VERY VERY LAZY TO MAKE GCMMS. please bear with me cause I’m just drained from schoolwork n stuff, I don’t really have time to make gcmms anymore… I’ll probably do it when I have the motivation, but as of rn I’m still on a hiatus :p

4 weeks ago - 3.5K likes

spoiler for the thumbnail :p

They’re so cute idk u tho. Anwyasy! This is a 200k special so, I’ve figured something.. I’m gonna make a fire ass vampire story every 100k subscribers (in memory of vampires lust) This might take a few months because I’m realllyy lazy to do stuff rn, but I am looking forward to building the storyline. Currently I’m 24 minutes in, it’s still missing a lot of the plot points I wanted it to have. So expect an longggg longggg video :p I probably will separate it into two parts cause I’m pretty sure it will be long as hell. May just be a lot of yap but at least content yeah?

Here’s some insight into the video :
Black hair : Lucien, 18, Human
Teal hair : Ivanosky, ??, ??

This story takes place in the medieval times, and in a semi apocalyptic world with monsters crawling round fitting into society. Yet monsters aren’t the biggest worry for politics, is it?

The MC will be Lucien, but mainly lore focuses on Ivanosky.
(Pls sub and be there on its release guys.. I’m working my ass off on the plot)

2 months ago - 3K likes

spoiler ;
hey guys I’m really lazy to make a gcmm but let me cook cause I’m making one 😅😅🤫🤫(this scene is kinda goofy)
this will probably take really long gcmm overall might be quite long as well. I’m 17 minutes in the gcmm and it’s only the beginning of the plot… so… I would say maybe 40minutes over, potentially reaching up to an hour. It’s an 200k special!! :D

a bit different from what I normally do, nonetheless still hot vampires 🤤🤤 (dont cancel pls) currently I’m unmotivated to make gcmms bcs most of the Gachatubers I see aren’t making videos >;/// and me angy.

pls watch when it’s out I’m pouring my life into this silly thing :/ (estimated 2-4 months before it’s complete)

3 months ago - 4.1K likes

hey chat I mightttt be going on a hiatus mainly because of school n allat I just haven’t been very motivated to work after 12-13 hours of school and I’d just rather play games.. I don’t know how long it’ll be but I’ll get back on working on my gcmm whenever I feel like it so urging me to work on my gcmm won’t be of use. I gave u guys like.. 3 gcmms in the span of a month and I’m just tired n bored of making them again lol.. give me like 1-2 months minimum because in April I’ll be preparing for my mid terms n I won’t be able to do my videos either. Thanks for understanding :p

4 months ago - 7.5K likes

chat is this thumbnail good bcs I’m starting to doubt myself 🧏‍♂️🧏‍♂️🤫🤫

the gcmm will be posted on Sunday or Monday… depending on how fast YouTube oughta be..

4 months ago - 7.3K likes

spoiler #3 :p…?
for education purposes I will not be explaining context HAHAHAH 🤫🧏‍♂️ ( the brown hair ISNT the black hair dude from the previous spoilers ok. )

currently at 15 minutes. I have a few more scenes before I wrap it up.. I think it’ll be around 20 minutes since the ending is quite close already.
I like the idea of the gcmm, anddd I think most of you guys would too :p

estimate of a week or two to finish the gcmm!! :0

5 months ago - 6.2K likes

spoiler : blank shot

keep lying to urself lol

currently 9 minutes in.. the story might be around 20 minutes bcs I don’t plan to make it super long and it’s kinda hard to make gl2mm 🤫🧏‍♂️ it’s like 1/3rd of the story right neow so.. it might depend.. cause I do feel like some parts r lacking so I might just add some random filler scenes with them 😅 but more or less i have the script

5 months ago - 1.7K likes


I’ve also noticed that YouTube isn’t recommending it even if it’s doing well but it recognises it as a gcmm..??? 🙁🙁 YouTube if u wanna break up just say it jeez :/

5 months ago - 5.1K likes

spoiler: potentiallyyyyy????

White hair, Vettius.
Black hair, Aiiron

hey guys welcome to raze struggling episode 1! In this episode we gawk at how this loser can’t do jack shit in Gacha life 2. Episode 2 will be raze shitting himself and giving up but raze isn’t a loser he’s not a quitter. (I think)

anyways this gcmm has the main idea plotted out and in all honesty I have no idea what filler scenes to do with it.. 💀 I might just follow my plot word for word but I dunnoooo it escalates fast in the plot cause there’s no fillers lol. Current it’s 2 minutes.. which is really low considering ive started a few days ago but gl2 is such a pain to actually take screenshots of so.. but the characters are hot so I ain’t pulling out this one 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🤫🧏‍♂️

5 months ago - 4.7K likes

hey guys.. this is not the white hair guy from the previous posts, this is just a random character I made cause I’m bored :p

Anyways, the gcmm would prob be posted next weekend. I’m almost finished I have a few more scenes and I’m done yipeee!! the guy in the picture mayyyyyyy be a future gcmm character.. if I can make a gl2 gcmm.. 💀