Daily stock market review that will help me and other self-directed traders/investors make better informed trading/investing decisions for themselves, be willing to question, and then seek their own answers too . We provide the basic analysis for where the stock market is at currently, where the stock market has been, and, with a pragmatic approach, predict where the stock market might go with a high degree of TIMING accuracy; this answers the big question as to whether-or-not it's safe to go-in-the-water or put the shark sighting flag out.
ABOUT ME: I'm a value investor that swing-trades Growth Stocks.
MISSION: Since 2020, to help keep retail investors/traders in the Market as successful participants by sparking interest in technical analysis using AI (actual intelligence) and trade using innovative ideas/ways to take the 1%'s money so as to keep the them in-check, on-edge, and we always stay one-step-ahead; we will quickly dodge icebergs as the 1% puts the Titanic in full reverse.