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2.2K subscribers - no pronouns :c

One of the most hated siren and fire alarm YouTubers out the

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Posted 1 year ago

so for the 2 of you who read these community post as of 1/20/24 I lost my job (a mixed blessing). Since I now have a ton of free time between job hunting I will be shooting videos of my fire alarm collection, and hitting up some siren tests in CT if the weather permits until I find another job (which I hope is very soon). I will be shooting videos of my home smoke alarms too for the small few that enjoy those.

so stay tuned


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Posted 1 year ago

not that anyone really reads these community posts, but for the 1-2 of you that do I'm still alive and haven't lost interest. The reason why I haven't posted anything in well over 2 years well there's multiple reasons.

for the sirens:
1: there's hardly anything good to record close by
2: there's hardly anything reliable to record in CT
3: I'm no longer the only enthusiast in the state so the "competition" most often gets all the good stuff recorded before I get the chance to
4: I am not buying anymore sirens, especially large outdoor warning sirens, mainly do to lack of space, and my money has to go to more important things, like rent, groceries etc and I'm looking to move hopefully by the end of the year. It's going to be a chore to move the sirens I already have.
5: Probably the biggest thing: This thing called work that I have to do 5-6 days a week, 8-12 hours a day. I have no vacation or Personal Time Off so I have just about no free time.

For the fire alarms:
1: Being in "the right place at the right time" is a crap shoot. If I get lucky, I'll start recording.
2: I don't buy alarms or devices anymore because I have bills to pay which take priority.
3: I do have plenty of alarms in my existing collection to record and re-record, but I can't find the time nor a safe place to do so.

For the smoke alarms:
1: it doesn't seem like many of you are too interested in them so I'll keep content on them to a minimum. I may shoot a video showing some of my most recent ones soon but I'll get to that when I get to it.

For all 3:

I am currently having issues with my job that I need to focus on resolving/finding another job.

I promise I will record soon, in fact I have a target near by that I'll go to very soon.
Thank you for understanding, and for sticking around as long as some of you have.


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Posted 4 years ago

Ok, so I can now officially say Iā€™m back at 100% for siren tests. On 10/2/20 I got a new (to me) car, a 2014 Honda Civic. Iā€™ve already taken it on a nice long drive to Middlefield CT which felt so good to do even if I didnā€™t record anything. Iā€™m making a list of locations I would like to hit in state, Middlefield being one, as Iā€™m not traveling out of state right now do to on going travel restrictions. As soon as travel restrictions ease, Iā€™ll think of some out of state locations with in driving distance I could hit up.

In the mean time, I am planing to record a few alarms I have yet to do so, as well as finally wire up my Federal A-5 and give it a good work out.

Stay tuned.

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Posted 5 years ago

Iā€™ve had a few recent inquiries if Iā€™d sell/trade any of my alarms.

My fire alarms, sirens, and home smoke alarms are not for sale or trade. Iā€™ve had issues in the past with private sales (on both my end and with other sellers), and as a result I no longer do any sales or trades privately. I also donā€™t give alarms away for various reasons.

I donā€™t have or ever will have anything for sale on eBay, Craigslist, Facebook marketplace etc again for various reasons.

Not trying to be rude, but please quit asking me. Any comments asking if Iā€™ll sell/trade/give for free anything will be deleted.

Thank you for understanding.

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Posted 5 years ago

So Iā€™ve got myself two new (to me) devices. About a month ago I purchased an 115VAC Edwards 340-A Adaptabuzzer which I will be filming tomorrow, and over the weekend I purchased a Wheelock 31T-115 (been wanting one for years) which is on itā€™s way to me as I type. As soon as the 31T gets here, Iā€™ll shoot a video of it as well providing it works.

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Posted 5 years ago

If it ainā€™t one thing itā€™s another, the mic on my ā€œnewā€ camera sucks. I shot 3 videos (one was a re-shoot of a long deleted video) and all 3 had really badly distorted audio, so Iā€™m trying to find a solution. As for siren tests, those maybe awhile. I do not trust driving my car too far anymore, and thereā€™s nothing around me that tests or is even used, so those are on hold for the foreseeable future unless I can find a ride (using an Uber or Lyft if out of the question). I do plan on shoot a video of my ever growing home smoke alarm collection (with testing) in the next week or so, so please stay tuned, and thank you for you continued patience.

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Posted 6 years ago

Got some good news. I have finally purchased a new (to me) camera. I bid on and won a Nikon CoolPix B500 last week on eBay, and should be arriving at my doorstep tomorrow (if all goes well). I will be planning my 1st video, which will be a test of one of my alarms which will be determined once I get the camera. So keep an eye out soon for a new video, and Iā€™ll make sure to post new videos more regularly.

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Posted 6 years ago

Yeah...yeah...yeah....I know, Iā€™ve been slacking and havenā€™t been making/posting videos in over a year. Fear not, Iā€™m not abandoning this channel, nor did I lose interest...let me explain. Iā€™ve been super busy with work, especially in the past 7 months, and usually work most weekends which puts a damper on siren tests. I also babysit my adorable nieces (7 and 5) usually several times a week, especially during the school year and they donā€™t like loud noises, which puts a damper on fire alarm testing. But the main reason is, I have been without a camcorder do to it finally crapping out on me shortly after my last video. Yes I have an awesome camera on my phone (an iPhone 8+) but I prefer shooting with a camcorder. I am pricing some relatively inexpensive yet still decent ones (no cheap insignia garbage), so I should be back in the saddle again very soon. Please be patient, and stay tuned.

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