How many days do you have left? 10, 500, 5000? You will never know, but just know for a fact it will be the last day one of these days. So live life like you have that magic watch on your hand that lets you know the exact date and time and live your life as if it’s true, because one day it will be ..
May the Ancestors be satisfied
Don't look for luxury in watches or bracelets, don't look for luxury in villas or sailboats!
Luxury is laughter and friends, luxury is rain on your face, luxury is hugs and kisses.
Don't look for luxury in shops, don't look for it in gifts, don't look for it in parties, don't look for it in events!
Luxury is being loved by people, luxury is being respected, luxury is having your parents alive, luxury is being able to play with your grandchildren. Luxury is what their money can't buy."
Luxury is our Afrikan awareness & liberation consciousness.