Welcome to xUsaTutorialsx
This tutorial channel is founded by FluffyLavandelClouds [Mara] on the 28th July 2013
You can find here tutorials mostly done for Sony Vegas Pro, sometimes there are tutorials for ether Paint Tool Sai or Photoshop CS6.
Feel free to request a tutorial, I won't assure that I know everything, I have still a far way to go in the world of video editing.
Terrible Channel art and Icon are done by: FluffyLavandelClouds [Feel free to make a better one if you like to ^^]
Background story behind the name:
My nickname Mara is actually the same name as a kind of rabbit like animal and the Japanese word for rabbit is Usagi, Usa for short [Anybody saw Ouran highschool host club?] I has nothing to do with the usa/America because I'm from Europa ^^