Hello everyone, My name is Aariah and I'm am the owner of Bellah Roze and Bellah Roze beauty, I started digital marketing in 2017 & I began working from home as a social media influencer. In 2018 I founded a mentoring online school called the great by design school of brilliance, now known as digital traffic titans where I teach online businesses and strategies I've learned in the last 8 years from e-commerce, drops hipping, digital marketing, becoming a social media influencer and starting a business from scratch, I've earned over 7 figures promoting for other companies, so I decided to start a company of my own doing something I love. So that's what I did! I started Bellah Roze in June of 2020 and launched in Aug of 2020 and I'm Bringing you Guys along for the journey. Join me and learn how to start a business from scratch, and see how I got started, with entrepreneur life vids, vlogs, tips and tricks, and more.