We share a collection of videos are punctuated by occasional insight, insults, relationship Ukraine help,
Gamer streams, political voice, or what humor and love brings monthly.
With an artists permission or without; this channel is a parody of "#DigitalRacism" which I COINED & PIONEERED in this WWW universe. Eat it, or support net neutrality cause whatever the SJW opinion are it don't matter anyways. "You are the 99.9%, don't let the 1000 richest control you." I didn't know they did? #M6TOW #M6 #TOW
Comments on this page will be "Freedom of Speech" cause this is AMERICA but also by me "Freedom of Ignorance" on your ass as well; I don't have time to answer everyone. Do you as well?
My disclaimer is of FAIR USE! But opinions is in CONTEXT not CONTENT.
Donations welcome~
Bitcoin address:: 1Gov4URsAh9gmQCL9RYf372qVueHNL4PqE
Exp wit a GF, Fiancee, Waifu 5 years+ or Find Scam will Report.