Magnet Motors are Motors that turn from the rotary motion magnets can create. Magnet Powered Motors are what we are observing here these types of motors can create excess or sometimes called free energy from the motion able to be created with the energy magnets are charged with.
Magnets are charged with energy that lasts 300-400 years. So building motors that create energy for years for free has become a reality.
Be careful experimenting with magnets because even magnets the size of golf balls can crush fingers. Today Magnets are allot more powerful than the typical black ones we all have seen. See www.AmazingMagnets.Com and for the best price I have found so far visit
PS I am 100% Positive that magnets can be used to turn generator motors. Based on basic physical observations of magnets and the many things that can be done to reduce unwanted forces and increase positive forces.
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