2550 years ago, Siddartha Gauthama, the young prince from India, left his luxurious palace life in search of an answer to the most important question of humanity. Seeing the helplessness of his fellow human beings in front of the impermanent nature of life, his compassionate heart wanted to find freedom from suffering for all beings. What he found was an eternal truth that lay hidden under the sands of time. A universal truth that still applies today, 2550 years after his passing away. He discovered the Four Noble Truths. Suffering - mental/physical, the cause of suffering (desire), the cessation of suffering (blissful cessation of desire) and the beautiful path to the cessation of suffering. Out of compassion for all beings, he taught the beautiful noble eightfold path, which can be attained by an intelligent individual in this life itself. The videos on this channel are based on the Lord Buddhas teachings from the "Tipitaka", the original Buddhist canon.