Hi there! Thanks a lot for checking out my channel! I'll be doing a variety of gaming-related videos, including playthroughs, pickups, reviews, collection videos, and anything else I can come up with. I try to respond to comments as frequently as I can and will always try totreat you with respect, so definitely feel free to give your opinion (even if it's negative) on my videos. Thanks again, and enjoy!
XBOX 360 GAMERTAG: JoeHolman1
PSN NAME: joeholman
Add me! Not sure how many people I can have on my friends on there, but i'll add until I can't add anymore!
Steam name: xaviopunk@hotmail.com
Feel free to add me, I spend a ton of time on steam.
I'll post my Wii code when I get less lazy as well, along with any other relevant contact information. Steam and Youtube work wonders for contacting me, though.