Masjid Al-Imām Muqbil was founded in 2010 as a community centre and place of worship for the local residents of South Harrow.
We have a strong but simple belief system which guides the above aims for Masjid Al Imām Muqbil:
- in every issue of Aqīdah (Creed), affirming what is established in the Noble Qur’ān, which we believe is the speech of Allāh, and the Sunnah
- adhering to the Prophetic Manhaj (methodology) found in the Qur’ān and The books of Hadith (narrations of the Prophet’s ﷺ sayings and actions) as well as to the sayings and actions of the Salaf us-Saalih (the early generation Muslims)
- respecting and honouring the scholars of Islam and their dedication to spreading the purity of the religion
- following the truth, absolutely and unconditionally, in both Riwāyah (narration) and Ra’i (opinion) without loyalty to a specific person or group other than to the Prophet ﷺ, who we believe is someone to be followed in all circumstances.