This is a channel dedicated to Twosetviolin ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
(Tonic username IslaLingling) I'm a huge fan of twoset, and even though they are gone I will always support them and be twosetter ❣️
I am a classical pianist, but twoset inspired me so much that I will soon be switching over to violin very soon! I also love classical music, and my favorite piece is Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E minor. Before I started watching twoset, I wasn't into classical music at all and thought it was boring, but now, twoset has inspired me to love classical music! (My name is pronounced eye-luh) 🌟✨FUN FACT ABOUT ME 🌟✨ Brett Yang and I have the SAME birthday, March 3!
I will be uploading mostly twoset clips, twoset edits, and maybe some videos of me playing piano :)
Thanks for reading, NOW GO PRACTICE!!!