If you enjoy the content, please consider subscribing. I love it when I stumble on rare unseen videos, exclusive edits, or just better quality copies. So the main purpose of this channel is to share those types of videos. I make an effort to edit and upload them in the best possible quality, so hopefully you'll like 👍 some of them.
No hate...It's simply "Bowie" coz of Bowie, and "addick" coz of CAFC...No other connotations.
I like spreading good karma, which I hope gets recognised, but due to my general demeanour, and burgeoning wisdom, I'm beginning to wonder...🤔
I lost access, some time back, to my original Bowieaddick channel...Boohoo. I know I'm not alone...The Bolan video tribute ( youtube.com/watch?v=c7rconJmyuw) on the now defunct channel is mine, and as I can't access it anymore, I'd like to say a big THANKS on here for all of you who appreciated it.
And finally...My doctor said I might be bipolar, but I swear I didn't even sleep with that bear...😊