Saravana kodandapani, M.D.
Dr Saravana is a practicing Eye Surgeon from Bangalore since 2004. He had an outstanding academic Career from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, as a Registrar, a position he held till April 2003.
He is also the first Surgeon in Karnataka, India to implant Carl Zeiss (GERMANY) MF4 Multifocal IOL when it was launched in 2006. In Partnership with various Industry leaders like NIDEK (JAPAN), AA, KLB etc, Dr Saravana has been involved in research activities in refining various algorithms for Custom Lasik, PseudoAccomodative Cornea(for correction of Presbyopia), and other state of the art technology transfers in Anterior Segment and Surgical Imaging, Video Overlay,Subretinal Instrumentation etc.
Dr Saravana is also the Founder Member of International Ophthalmologists Academy, a professional group of over 1000 member ophthalmologists dedicated to seek, serve, share and support ophthalmologists worldwide.