Jeff Chavez, better known as Maluu ("Maw-loo") is a Producer/DJ from Seattle, WA. His unique alias is a variation of his hawaiian name given to him at birth. Over the years Maluu has achieved a notable following using his finely tuned ear to create unique and powerful mashups. Clocking in at over 2 million views on his youtube channel, Maluu's work is well known within the EDM community and has received support from acts such as Alvin RIsk, who used Maluu's "Ruffneck Returns" mashup as his closer for his 2012 tour. Maluu has also performed around the country, including Seattle's Foundation Nightclub (ranked #55 in the world according to DJMag), Isla Vista CA, and Portland OR. Since then, Maluu has focused on honing his production skills, and plans to unleash a new and invigorating original sound to the world in 2014!