Music Videos
We believe in making music videos accessible to all artists from new talent to established performers. We rely on developing good relationships with the performers who work with us to create something memorable.
Live Gigs, Freestyles & Acoustic Performances
YES a high quality mixed and edited down HD Video is fantastic and YES we do that but sometimes nothing is better than a stripped back live performance.
Our live video editing skills can set the scene as if the viewer was standing in front of the performer
Business Promotional Videos, Interviews, And Short Movies
Powerful, Engaging Videos, Everyone knows that a Picture says a thousand words Vivid Media TV can give your business an image not to be forgotten. Allowing your target audience to sit back and see what you do instead of reading a paragraph on your website under a page called "About Us" zzzzzzz
Its new it's interactive and it can also give your business an edge or competitors.