What's up YouTube? My name's Chris and I love scratch tickets!
On my 18th birthday, I was given 2 $20 tickets by a friend. They were my first scratchers ever and both tickets won $200 each! Ever since then, I've been playing just about any lottery game you can imagine. My favorite way to play is by getting others in on the fun, so after years of scratching alone (boring) I thought: "hey, why not get all 2.7 BILLION of you in on it?"
I hope you'll pop into my channel, stay a while, subscribe, chat with me, and watch me win...
... Or lose. Who cares, as long as we're having fun!
Obligatory note: I do not condone, in any way, gambling of any kind by any underage person. I also can't purchase tickets for anyone. This channel is for entertainment only and I'm not liable for what you do with what I post. We're just here to have fun.