The mission of SnorklTV is to make learning about computer animation fun. This channel started in 2010 with a focus on using Flash Professional and the ActionScript 3 language.
Currently my focus is on the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP 3). I spent 7 years at GreenSock creating all their training material and now I'm doing it on my own. I love making things move with code and want to help you feel the same joy and progress in your career.
My goal is to provide affordable, high quality training to all through my Creative Coding Club: which provides online training at a super-low monthly cost. However, I still enjoy providing free videos through this channel. You can learn a ton here without spending a dime.
Although my focus is on scripted animation, I still have a love for Animate CC (previously Flash) and think its an awesome tool. I enjoy teaching it too, so check out those videos.