Learn to Speak Māori with Te Aorere & Te Ataakura! New episodes on YouTube & our website. Get started!
Speak Māori is the start of a comprehensive Māori Language accelerated learning programme powered by Talknology. Both are freely available on YouTube channels and we have enhanced offerings available on speakmaori.co.nz and our supporting channel www.waiatamaori.nz.
So don’t forget to subscribe to both our Speak Māori YouTube channel and the Waiata Māori YouTube channel to get updates.
Produced by Adrenalin Group www.adrenalingroup.com
Speak Māori at speakmaori.co.nz
Waiata Māori at www.waiatamaori.nz and youtube.com/@WaiataMaori
Games can be found at www.adrenalingames.co.nz
Island of Mystery www.islandofmystery.co.nz
Supported by Native Council www.nativecouncil.co.nz and
SupaVision www.supavision.co.nz