✿~Welcome to My Channel~✿
Myself- Reet
Just a Simple Common Girl, I Respect everyone regardless of all man made diffrences such as Race, Religions, Cast and Colour Etc & I expect same from others:) I trust on God with all my Heart !
One of My Fav Quote-
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."
i absolutely Love Uploading videos on YT :) It has become one of my Hobby! My Fav Pass time!
Based on past experiences- I have learned NOT to trust someone easily! some awful experineces in ma life taught me this lesson:)
✿Love All, Trust Few & Fear None✿
People ( Fake ones)change in a blink of an eye and Love will Die! But Life goes on!
@Haters (Losers)-
You have NO Damn Right to talk Sh%# abt me!!! My life, My choices, My problems, My mistakes, Not your business, mind your own problems before you talk about mine!