Hey guys, I'm Chilly! I am known as the only Cinccino to carry around a picnic basket!
I'm a proud member of PokeStarsStudio, and we make MEPs together! I also do solo AMVs using Pokemon, or lately, I have been making some short AMVs using Soul Eater, one of my favourite anime series.
Name: Elyssia
Age: 16
Home Country: England
Birthday: 26th of September
Favourite Pokemon: Cinccino
Favourite Animes: Dangan Ronpa the Animation, Soul Eater, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Favourite Anime Characters: Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Death the Kid, Edward Elric
I also have taken part in a few Total Pokemon camps here on youtube, with some really good positions under my belt, such as:
Misdreavus525's Total Pokemon Memories: 4th
DarkclawUmbreon's Big Brother Camp: 2nd
Mjpj189's Total Pokemon Island S6: 2nd