My name is Jonathan, and I will be sharing my views and critiques on the live-action TV series Doctor Who and its spin-offs.
I am quite arrogant and opinionated especially about Doctor Who, which may come across as rude or even offensive, particularly regarding what I refer to as the 'turd series.'
This is my personal term for it, as I have no fucking idea what the hell it is and I'm wondering if anyone could clarify its true nature.
However, certain it isn't Doctor Who, which it was concluded in 2009 and has since been non-existent in any capacity since then.
It appears to be presenting itself as something it's not, or are you suggesting that any film or TV program could be regarded as canon, including Harry Potter?
I welcome attempts to prove me wrong or debunk my views, which I would find entertaining, but it's unlikely to happen, as there's nothing for me to be wrong about.