Inspiring healthy living, Economic opportunity and Accelerating Community-Led Carbon-Free World for Human Settlements.
Regen Ag Can Combat Climate Change And Keep Food On Our Plates - The World's First Regenerative Organic Vegetable Terrarium (Hopebox) & World’s First Soil-Ution Aquaponics Satellite Farm System to empower Malaysia’s OKU Centre & marginalized and indigent community often regarded as a “vulnerable group” perceived to depends on public goodwill, they now had the opportunity to be upskilled through Technical and Vocational Education and Training as an inclusive society & contribute to nation building towards Climate Action.
PwD Smart FarmAbility a Social Enterprise who has garnered 2 prestigious awards, The Star Golden Hearts and Yayasan Gamuda Inspiration Award 2020 in ethical farming and environmental health making safe and nutritious food accesible to all economic backgrounds.
Agriculture is no longer about farming but FEEDING for HEALTH ~Dr.Billy Tang