Whisky and Things is a lifestyle entertainment show consisting of whisky reviews and other whisky related topics mixed with real life experiences from the two hosts Dave Giles and Nick Kent. The pair became good friends when they met at university studying music back in 2003. Their friendship grew despite their touring and work schedules and theyâve always made time to enjoy each other and share the things they love, resulting in a YouTube show called âWhiskey and Thingsâ which existed for 50 weekly episodes back in 2014 after the pair decided they donât live enough.
The original plan was to have a catch up each week with a glass of whisky and talk about wherever theyâd been doing that week. The consequence of that year was that they learnt a lot more about whisky!
Now reformed as a podcast with a little more focus on the whisky and featuring regular guests like The Whisky God and Annie âWhisky Word of the Weekâ Heini, as well as chatting to special guests and friends.