You deserve to live in a strong, healthy body you're proud of.
I bet you've tried different diets, coaches, programs, courses, memberships, books, you name it.
I know you have because I have as well.
Look, I know how to be skinny. And I also know how to be obese. I've been both.
Anything I share with you is so that you know that regardless of where on your journey you are, whatever brought you here, is perfect. There is no judgment. If you need a way to release judgment, then start with the compassion statement in the link.
Toggling between the two had always been a struggle for me.
That is, until I found a way to nourish my body through....salads. I know, not the most glamorous thing, but they give me so much energy, keep me full, and well....they're delicious.
So, whatever reasons you have for following my account, I welcome you and hope that you will enjoy these recipes and their benefits.
Much love,