What is the International Guitar Camp?
The International Guitar Camp, or IGC for short, is a Guitar Player's community event being presented by Totally Guitars offering some of the finest guitar playing, training and instruction by an elite panel of guitar instructors who truly are "Masters of the Craft".
This Inaugural International Guitar Camp event, the brain child of Neil Hogan, Matt Williams and others in the TotallyGuitars.com family, will be attended this year by a select few guitar playing enthusiasts from all around the world, from the TotallyGuitars.com guitar players community and a lucky few who find their way to the "Join Us" button on this page.
For many IGC attendees this will mark the beginning of their guitar instruction journey and they will discover why this years' International Guitar Camp is being heralded as a once in a lifetime experience that promises to give its patrons guidance, progression, and immersion in all things guitar and music.