Here; is the Innovation which standard first in INDIA.
"The Dr's POT" - The creation of earthen clay.
The purpose behind making Dr's pot is only to provide the naturally mineralized water with copper benefits.
As we used various kind of natural clay and copper for enhancing the mineral and alkaline level in drinking water.
Dr's POT is made up of natural clay, copper, herbs and various source of minerals, and Dr's POT gives an actual benefit by enhancing the mineral level and make water more alkaline.
Copper is the beauty of this EARTHEN POT so it adds the value of copper in our drinking water.
Moreover, we also used antibacterial clay which has an antibacterial property that removes the impurities from water and makes the water more clean to drink;
Widely we know that natural earthen clay also has the characteristics to remove the salt from the water and so it also removes the other impurities and makes the better drinking water for good health.