Oh Hindu! rise for the cause of people at least in the name of Humanity. Discard the cowardice mentality inherited as a result of foreign rules for a long time and stand for the truth and dare to look at the suffering of Hindus in South Asia and around the world. Just unite for once. Remove the curtain of cultism disguised as religions. Help in the restoration of peace and truth in the world. This will be a great service to Humanity. Don't be confused while defending Dharma or truth with word 'secularism'. The followers of a religion who dont believe in conversion are secular. So you all are secular. Dont be confused with this word. Dont believe in the Indian history written by Marxists whose sole aim is to destroy our Hindu identity. Dont believe that Muslims were peacefully ruling this country and thus you forget the sacrifice of lives of crores of your ancestors who fought to save this Dharmic tradition.