Hi! My name is Dumitru, I'm from Italy and I am a programmer. (Short story about me)
I really like Trap and Slap House genres so in May 2016 I decided to start an YouTube channel so I could share some of my favorite songs. I also liked the idea to promote people by trying to help them emerging out on the platform by showing their work.
If you want to be featured then you can use this form at the following link and send your track:
➤PROMO: bit.ly/TMMTV_Promo
Keep in mind that I upload videos only when I have free time! :)
Official collaborator: instagram.com/stas_k.r
Q: Can I use your content?
Long A: Trap Music MTV is NOT a record label and does NOT hold any exclusive rights for the copyright of content present on this YouTube channel, as a result, anyone who needs a copyright authorization must contact the copyright legal holder, e.g. a record label and sometimes the artist himself/herself.
Short A: Please stop asking for permissions, I can't give you that.