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DuBois Legacy Farm

951 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Welcome! You can call me Kiki. We started with chickens in

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

DuBois Legacy Farm
Posted 1 week ago

The Latest "COOL" Video (Chickens Of Our Lives,) has been REVISED and the YT demigods are happy, so far, with the 2 minutes of added context and revisions. It's new, improved and unrestricted. Check it out and hope to see you in the comments! God bless and have a wonderful weekend! ❤️

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DuBois Legacy Farm
Posted 1 week ago

Our Newest “COOL” Video is up! (Chickens of Our Lives: 2 Flocks 3 Roosters)
Update: it has now been revised, with added 2 minutes of context explaining how I break up roosters. So it’s back up and unrestricted! 🥳

Original post:
I sincerely apologize to our youth viewers as YT has deemed this content offensive and put age restrictions on it. Which feels very insulting and unnecessary. The video was originally removed until my appeal was granted, but only with the mortifying age restrictions on it.
(The kids that attended my Sunday school class can’t even watch my video.) 😒

I was given little explanation from YT as to why, but it FELT as though they were insinuating that I hurt my roosters. (Which is soooo super ridiculous!) 🙄
They spoke about providing educational context as well, which I feel like I do that at nauseam. 🤷🏻‍♀️

If you have watched this video or any of my other videos, you can clearly see that I love all my chickens like children and go above and beyond to make sure they have the best life possible.

I think the thing that frustrates me the most about this is that I can’t reply and give my opinion on the decision or ask questions to YT. I was offered a “training” that I passed with flying colors, (because I’m not a barbarous lunatic.) 😣

It would be nice to know how YT would accept a revised edit to the story, in order to be able to post it without the age restrictions. But I feel like every thing in the video is necessary to show what life is like integrating 2 flocks with 3 roosters in our backyard.

I guess I have to live with the decision and that YT is not going to push this content, because they have basically judged it, not advertiser friendly.

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DuBois Legacy Farm
Posted 3 weeks ago

We are super excited to share that our latest video 'Chicken Coop Wisdom" just became our most watched long form video on our channel with over 2,500+ views! 🥳

Thank you so much everyone and welcome new subscribers! We are so happy to have you here.

Praise God for bringing us to this point and giving us this opportunity. ✝️🙌

If you haven't had a chance to check out the new video, please do and leave us a comment.
We would all love to hear any of your chicken coop wisdom that you have acquired in your own experience with raising chickens.

Thanks so much everyone and have a wonderful and very blessed weekend!
❤️ Kiki

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DuBois Legacy Farm
Posted 4 weeks ago

Other than the freedom issue, I'm not really affected by the TikTok thing... I actually got an uptick in views for a spell earlier today. That was short lived. Get it? Short. 🤪😂 Then I decided to continue work on my next upcoming COOL video (Chickens of Our Lives,) and this happened. CapCut is owned by the same company as TikTok and is also banned. Great. 😐 Well I like using CapCut, because it has a really nice free version and I'm too poor and cheap to buy one of those stupid subscription apps. 😝
So... yeah. Now, it's personal. 😠

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DuBois Legacy Farm
Posted 3 months ago

Loving memory of Miss Judith

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DuBois Legacy Farm
Posted 3 months ago

It is with a very heavy broken heart that I feel as though I should share… After a long battle trying to figure out what exactly was ailing Miss Judith, she was finally put to rest on November 24, 2024 in one of her most favorite places. The garden. ❤️

She was suffering of some form of egg peritonitis. I suspect that this was probably her issue on and off for months. It’s something that is common in breeds that are bred to lay daily, like her, (ISA Brown/red sexlink.)

We are very sad that she is gone, but grateful for all the eggs she provided for us while she lived with us from summer 2022 until now and we are relieved that she isn’t suffering anymore.

Rest in Heaven with Jesus, Miss Judy. The Lady loves you and misses you so much already.

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DuBois Legacy Farm
Posted 5 months ago

So we are on EggWatch, which is way more fun than RooWatch! 😂❤️

We have gotten 4 eggs from Tay’s coop so far.
Now we are playing detective to see who’s laying.
We think that it’s two different hens, because the eggs seem to look that way.

One of our suspects is almost positively a Golden Laced Wyandotte named Tabitha. The other, we suspect is a Light Brahma, named Nehemiah aka Little Yellow One.

But nothing is for sure at this point. We are only going by behavior and seeing Tabitha in the nesting boxes almost every single day. Nehemiah has been clingy to me lately and she is a little separated from the rest of the birds. Tabitha has been a little bit the same way as well. That is usually how pullets act just before they lay and when they first start.

I’ll keep you posted and updated! It’s very eggciting around here! 🤣🥰❤️🐓

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DuBois Legacy Farm
Posted 7 months ago

ROOWATCH 2024 is almost over, but I’m still a little unsure of our light Brahmas.

I’ve been told that the young cockerels can start to develop really late. So, like,… you think that you are in the clear, and then all of the sudden, one of your beloved pullets will take a roo-turn on you.

Then the next thing you know, he’s got a huge puffy red pea comb, he sounds like a 1980’s Chevette that needs a new starter, and he’s crawling all over your beautiful new pullets.
Nobody wants that. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

So , needless to say,… my rooxiety is heightened as we approach the later weeks of adolescence for our brood.

I have two suspects that COULD possibly take the roo-turn on me: Honk, (not a permanent name because we aren’t planning on keeping her,) and Nehemiah. (She’s hopefully staying if her pronouns line up.) 😉

Light Brahmas have small pea combs, (like Ameraucanas.) The pullet’s combs are not supposed to get very dark or big until they are ready to start laying. They tend to be late layers as well, so at 10 weeks, we shouldn’t see anything too red at this point.

My two suspects have much darker and slightly larger combs than their two sisters. (Examples: See pic for 10 week old pullets and 10 week old suspects and compare with the 15 week old cockerel.

I have noticed a lot of loose feathers in the run and coop, so they are going through their juvenile molt and adult gender identification feathers: saddle, hackle and possibly any sickle, should be showing up soon.

I have noticed a few sus feathers in Honks tail, that could develop into sickle feathers. Let’s hope not. 😣

Nehemiah’s tail is very neat and straight like a pullet. 👍

So far, both suspects look to have very rounded saddle feathers, like a female. 👍

Nehemiah’s neck feathers seem very pointed like a rooster, but it could be more the pattern and not the feathers themselves. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I haven’t noticed any obvious rooster behavior from either; other than they are outgoing, smart and aware. 🥰❤️

Let me know what you think. 🙂

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DuBois Legacy Farm
Posted 9 months ago

When our plans change and God’s plan is relieved.
More on this soon….but Jethro has left DuBois Legacy Farm to live his Happily Ever After and we couldn’t be happier for him! 😭🥰❤️🐓

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DuBois Legacy Farm
Posted 10 months ago

These baby golden laced wyandotte chicks are ridiculously adorable. 🥰❤️🐥
I can hardly stand it! 😱

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