Greetings! My name is Maggie! Welcome to Heart Path Oracle! All messages are timeless~ Empowerment, encouragement, healing, career, spirituality, and your heart/life path awakening are key themes. These are General Readings only- Chew the meat and spit out the bones. 😊
Please Like, Subscribe, Comment, and Share if my readings resonate. Thank you so much! Follow me on IG and TikTok -I am always @heartpathoracle. I'll never DM you for a personal reading.
I am- ♒️-☀️ ♌️-🌙 ♌️-↗️
DISCLAIMER: All information and other content on this channel should not be construed as 100% accurate, medical or legal advice, and are for encouragement, spiritual, and entertainment purposes. You have free will and you alone are responsible for the choices you make.
“Awakening is not changing who you are, it’s discarding who you are not.” -Deepak Chopra