Dead Man is a sonic exploration of surrealism , introspection, and western folklore themes through a foundation of synthesizers, jagged guitars, and a range of vocal styles.
Dead Man is the solo project of musician and artist Michael Rock. Rock has been in bands for the past 20 years spanning genres of dance rock, noise rock, rockabilly, folk, soft rock and country western. Dead Man is the synthesis of the many styles and genres that have appealed to Rock over his lifetime. Dead Man embraces the freedom to blend, mix and meander in and out of genres and not adhere to stylistic rules of any one genre.
For Fans of: David Bowie, Sebastien Tellier, Brian Eno, Trent Reznor, Nine Inch Nails, Nick Cave, Peter Murphy, Neil Young, Trans Am, Chinese Stars, Sisters of Mercy, Actors, The Cure, Iggy Pop
#newwave #darkwave #gothrock #postpunk #electronicmusic #folk