Hi and welcome to the OFFICIAL JoanMBF's Lyrics page!
This page is all about me doing lyric video's when I get bored. Feel free to browse around, and better yet, "like", comment and subscribe :D
tankx (:
Jesus Christ, is my entire life.
With out him, I wouldn't have a life.
Because he is everything I do.
He forgives me of my every sin.
He protects me of all evil.
He wraps me with his love.
Without him in my life, I'd probably be in the streets by now.
I'd be hungry, tired, scared, unloved, and unprotected.
But the thing is, I do have him in my life :)
So I give him thanks for everything he does gives me, and I'm not just saying thanks for computers, ipods,TV's Etc.,
But thanks for his protection, for food, clean water, love, shelter, clothing, another day to live, to be able to BREATH and free from all diseases and sickness and many other things that I and many others take for granted.
We do not realize what Christ gives us everyday, and we don't even thank him at the end of the day.
But this is why we pray to him and ask for forgiveness, it's the least we can do since he died upon the Cross for us : (
But he is not dead, he's alive.
You know why?
Cause death couldn't handle him
And the grave couldn't hold him. :)
He's just that powerful
So really all I wanted to say to Christ is..
I love you more than my life : ]
More than my parents,
My brothers,
My friends,
More than anything, everything and anybody in this world.
If you read the above you're cool ;D
JoanMBF : ]