Sermons & encouragement from the sacred Word of God. Jesus Christ is the only door to reach the Father, and the powerful Blood of Jesus being the only thing that has the ability to cleanse every sinful stain! I am more or less a straight edge, Bible believing, Puritan, Christian man who attempts to share the Bible without candy coating or watering down the WORD. Subscribe, share, and be enriched by the very Word of God. May the Father be glorified and blessed through the reading of His EVERLASTING Word, and through every message or lesson shared on this channel. #theBloodofJesusneverlosespower #realtalkforChristwithnoapology #enjoyingsanctifiedlife #doctrinematters #theologymatters
My name is Bishop Jeremy Lincoln. I am a husband and dad of three wonderful children! I have been in God called ministry for the LORD for the past 25 years. Theology and Doctrine matter! Studying the Word of God for yourself is what I have always advocated, and still do today! I love you all in Christ!