Hello, everyone! I am Dan of the Cosmos. Just some guy which makes content of anything, really.. Just someone which is very different to the common society. Most of the content I make is based around roblox, however I do have ideas on other games. I do perhaps stream on twitch every once in awhile (rarely happens, but it may). Do recommend me stuf in my comments!
I am quite a Fan of animals and space, obviously. He/Him, I may also identify as a radioactive bomb.
A OG player in a shit-ton of different games.
If you do wish to have a chat with me, the opportunity is there. danofthegalaxy (Dan The Space Man#0535) is the tag.
That's pretty much it for the introduction, there is much more to be told and acknowledged, however you'll have to talk to me to know that, haha!
I make quite a lot of puns and bad jokes when the opportunity opens. And I am indeed an ambivert.
Metal Gear: Rising and Devil May Cry Fan. (Vergil cosplayer, cosplayed in real life too).
Have an Astronomical Day