這頻道主要講述一個中國普通百姓。探訪真實不修飾的中國百姓生活的現狀。現在大多數地球百姓都活在水深火熱中。當今生活十分艱難,加上最近的疫情。本來全球經濟就已經走下坡,現在變得雪上加霜。視頻都是手機或者pocket2拍得,畫質一般 見諒。本人沒有金主。也沒有接廣告。不怕傷到其他人。所以,視頻中說的話都是真實的。
This channel is mainly about a Chinese ordinary people. Visit the real situation of Chinese people's life. Now most people in the world are living in deep water. Today's life in this world is very difficult, coupled with the recent epidemic. The economy has been on the decline, and now it has become even worse. The video is shot by mobile phones or pocket2, with average picture quality I'm sorry. Most of the videos have subtitles or English subtitles. I don't have a gold owner. I haven't received advertisements. I'm not afraid to hurt others. So, what I said in the videos is true.
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