Above is the link for "The LaRouche plan"
I'm Mike Hodgkiss. I have been supporting Mr. LaRouche's ideas and efforts since I read his International Development Bank proposal pamphlet, from his campaign against the Trilateral Commission and their anti Democratic puppet Jimmy Carter. So, I am very excited, as I'm sure are you, that LaRouche has broken media containment finally, and his ideas will be debated, for all to make their decision, instead of the thuggish oligarchy's media blackout, and intimidation, techniques we have witnessed for the last forty years.
The mass movement has canceled the empires media domination.
LaRouche is just right, that is all there is too it.. Boomerism, popular culture and the insane idea that man's place in the universe is equal to that of an animal, is just flat out absurd, wrong, and in fact, evil. It means genocide by way of culling the herd.
I cannot understand. If one listens to the LaRouchePACTV videos on NAWAPA, for instance, how anyone, could disagree.
If you love mankind.
Let us save our nation and ourselves with a sane policy.
Reject the fascist short sighted, small minded budget cutting austerity measures of Rand Paul and Obama!
Now is our chance.
Invoke the 25th Amendment.
That will get Obama out of the way.
Reinstate the Glass Steagall banking regulations.
That will put the Wall Street thieves, swindlers, and gangsters behind bars where they belong.
Then utter sovereign credit to get NAWAPA started and put the American worker back to work.
We will amaze the world again.
Please go to join and contribute now.