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Smoku Znad Potoku

333 subscribers - no pronouns :c

MaleKnights player & Papa's enjoyer

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Smoku Znad Potoku
Posted 2 days ago

Hi Guys,

Since being lazy is bad, I'm back to streaming. Hope you enjoy it!

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Smoku Znad Potoku
Posted 1 month ago

Very Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!

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Smoku Znad Potoku
Posted 3 months ago


Food Truck is officialy open! You know what to do 😏

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Smoku Znad Potoku
Posted 4 months ago

Damn guys, Papa's Pizzeria DELUXE is coming this year!

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Smoku Znad Potoku
Posted 5 months ago

#Arknights #MaleKnights #IS #IntegratedStrategies #Papas #Paleteria #Freezeria #FreezeriaDeluxe #PaleteriaToGo

Hi Guys!

As you may saw, I started streaming today. I would like to stream regularly. Those are the games I'm planning to stream in the nearest future:
- Arknights various ISes, events, stages or anything (for example with Viewers if I get enough at some point)
- Papa's for my Papa's viewers (Food Truck or just normal playing)
- You can also request any game if you want

I'll try to annouce my streams at least a few hours before but we'll see yet. Also, if some active people will gather, I will use my microphone and will interact with you.

Thank you everyone who stopped by today, even for a few minutes and see you next time!

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Smoku Znad Potoku
Posted 10 months ago

#Papas #PapasPaleteriaToGo #PapasPaleteria #Paleteria

Hi everyone!
Sometimes there are some days when I don't upload any videos for Papa's Paleteria To Go! Sorry for that but don't worry because I always put the double-upload some time after.

I didn't post any videos for yesterday and today, so tomorrow and the next day will both have double episodes


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Smoku Znad Potoku
Posted 11 months ago

#Papas #PapasFreezeria #PapasPaleteria

You know what to do 😎
I also still accept orders for Papa's Freezeria Deluxe, so if you want to have your own, feel free to do so -

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Smoku Znad Potoku
Posted 11 months ago

#Papas #PapasFreezeria #PapasPaleteria

I am very sorry guys for not posting any Papa's content. I am still waiting, as you, for Papa's Paleteria but it seems there are some issues with Google and they delay releasing it on Android, so I cannot buy it and record it for you :(

I also didn't want to record any new Gameria because I just don't want to start 2 new Gamerias at the same time but only if I knew they'll delay this one so much, I'd just play one or something.

Sorry once again, hope you understand but I can assure you I'll record it the same day it's released and then I'll also start posting again Foodtruck videos and some other content (I also needed a little break, not gonna lie).

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Smoku Znad Potoku
Posted 1 year ago

Guys, I've finished the game! :D My profile and even whole game is Golden now

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Smoku Znad Potoku
Posted 1 year ago

#Freeplay #CustomOrders #ViewerOrders

Hi guys!

One of my viewers (thank you ‪@grzesiek765‬) asked me to make his Order and show it on YT. I thought it'd be a good idea to try to do it again, therefore I'm asking you once again for your help and engagement in this matter.

In other words, if you wish to have your Order being put on a YT Video, please let me know in comments!
Just let me know what your Sundae should look like.

You can use this tool to help you - and send me a picture of your Sundae (press Done and open the generated image in a new tab, then copy the link or just upload the image to Imgur/Discord)

The ideal scenario would be to have at least 7 Orders up to 10 at most.

I'm counting on you guys!



Jeden z moich widzów (dzieny ‪@grzesiek765‬) poprosił mnie, żebym zrobił jego Zamówienie i wrzucił na YT. Pomyślałem, że to będzie spoko pomysł spróbować zrobić to ponownie, dlatego proszę Was raz jeszcze o pomoc i zaangażowanie w tej sprawie.

Krótko mówiąc, jeśli chcecie, żebym przygotował Wasze Zamówienia i wrzucił je na YT, dajcie mi znać w komentarzach! Po prostu opiszcie, jak chcecie, by Wasze Sundae ("Lody") wyglądało.

Możecie użyć tej stronki do pomocy - i wysłać mi screena Waszego Sundae (po prostu kliknijcie Done i potem otwórzcie wygenerowany obrazek w nowej karcie, i skopiujcie ten link do komentarza. Ewentualnie wrzućcie go na Imgura/Discorda lub gdziekolwiek Wam pasuje).

Idealnie by było zebrać co najmniej 7 Zamówień, maksymalnie do 10.

Liczę na Was ziomy!

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