wocado || words can do:
wocado is all about capturing and visualizing the power of words.
A safe shelter for words of kindness and motivation.
Quotes, Stories and Inspiration in Videos and Images.
Words can heal and words can kill.
Words can kill a dream, a personality, a life.
But also words can heal.
They can heal wounds, the fear and the pain.
They can implant hope. And courage.
Like seeds they can grow roots and flourish.
A beautiful story, can brighten up a face, a heart, a dream. It can motivate and inspire.
We need words to remind us that hope is that thing with feathers...
We invite you to share your own stories and your nuggets of wisdom with us and the world.
There is so much collective experience that gets lost in our minds and memories, remains hidden in personal diaries and drawers and never gets shared.
Do not worry if you think you are not a writer, just send the story.
We might be able to create a unique experience for everyone to watch and share.