in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
also why does Lin Lin look like she’s about to hit the griddy here
#onepiece #OPBR #bigmom #charlottelinlin #onepiecebountyrush
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I’m just gonna come out and say it; I don’t care how much any of you people spent on getting this guy; EX Garp needs to be banned from League Battle.
Period. He instant kills pretty much anything he comes into contact with. Even when you think you are out of range of his AOE move it still hits and instant kills you, and if you do actually beat him it’s usually out of luck through crits.
EX Kuzan is a far more balanced unit. He’s essentially a better EX Whitebeard who actually has decent counters. Garp basically has none except himself.
And while you’re at it, Limit EX’s to one per team that a Player can use at a time. No more of this pairing up two EX’s on the same team.
Please @bandainamcoentertainment ; Ban Garp. Fix PvP.
#onepiece #onepiecebountyrush #OPBR #exgarp #bangarp #banunit #PvP #leaguebattle
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Ah. One Piece Bounty Rush.
Where the pull rates are shitty but the gameplay is (usually) quite fun. So long as you ignore the tryhards, the whales and the EX Spammers, this game is quite a good pass time. I play it a lot at work between long periods of waiting for the next job. Only game I can play my Spider Wifey in 🥺💙
#onepiece #OPBR #blackmaria #boahancock #yamato #whitebeard #charlottepraline #gacha #waifu
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After making a Second Attempt, I was successfully able to beat the Main Game of Pokemon Sword and Shield under my Nuzlocke Rules!!!! Phew. What a journey.
I think I’ll try Scarlet next for a Nuzlocke. Could be a lot of fun and it was easier to grind ( I don’t do level capping).
What can say other than I HAD A CHAMPION TIME!!!! #pokemon #pokemonsword #sword #pokemonswsh #nuzlocke #pokemonnuzlocke #completed
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You see this @bandainamcoentertainment ? This is what people want and enjoy. Not stupid Challenge Battles that tiptoe around the PvP system. WE WANT MORE PVE BOSS FIGHTS!!!!!
I hope Big Mom gets one for her birthday!!!!
#onepiece #OPBR #bigmom #bossbattle #seraphim #goldroger
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This is what I get for trying to get Kubfu before the first Gym….
#pokemon #nuzlocke #pokemonsword #pokemonshield #klara #waifu
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Well sadly my Shining Pearl Nuzlocke failed because I forgot I was doing a Nuzlocke and unconsciously revived one of my Pokemon.
So I’m starting anew in Pokemon Sword.
1. If a Pokemon you have faints, it dies.
2. You can only catch the first pokemon you encounter per route (If they appear in the over-world grab whichever one you want and that’ll be your encounter. Wild Area does not count as one area and is exempt from this.
3. I must nickname any mons I obtain.
4. Species Clause (I can only use one Pokemon of each species. Meaning if for example a Butterfree I have dies I can’t catch a Metapod or Caterpie and start anew)
5. The player may only bring as many Pokémon to a Gym Leader fight as the Gym Leader uses. (EX: Misty has 2 , I’d only be allowed to use 2. Like the anime.)
6. No Legendaries unless Mandatory (EX: The Zacian/Zamezenta Fight with ETERNATUS)
7. Rule 2 and 4 does not apply to the Deino Line.
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I sure do love being punished by the actions of other players 🙄🙄🙄🙄
4 Matchmaking Games in a row and I have connection issues, with both data and Wifi on. 0 warning whatsoever.
Oh and while I’m here; Garp is ruining Bounty Rush, please make him unplayable.
#OPBR #connection issues #fixplease #onepiece #onepiecebountyrush
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Got myself a Tik Tok even though it’s banned in the USA and probably gonna be banned in Canada one of these days too xD
#tiktok #ban #fuckElonMusk
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Decided to start a Shining Pearl Nuzlocke.
People say these games are too easy until the end yet I’m already down two mons to a certain Cranidos owned by a certain fossil obsessed Gym leader named Roark.
We’ll see how this goes xD
#pokemon #sinnoh #shiningpearl #nuzlocke
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Progressive Shitposter
Commander/EDH Magic: The Gathering Player est: 2021
Unapologetically Left Leaning
Formerly NathanSpartanLazer, Hax-Nathan29, Akatsuki-Nate, NateStoleYourWaifu, NateTheHydra, NateTheReaper, Morbin’ Nate etc….
Former Yu-Gi-Oh Player, Quit Competitive officially in 2021, almost entirely in 2024.
Creator of Nate’s Bizarre Dueling and his own Super Nathan/Gaffnatronus Comic Series (2009-2022)