Solid Waste Entertainment Productions - (Formerly AlliedWaste76) What SWEP does, is the documentation of refuse collection trucks, companies, containers, anything involving the Solid Waste Industry. Certain trucks, equipment, and companies that have been acquired over time or went under. So, I would like to document them before they are gone. SWEP also dedicates to all the men and women who work in the Solid Waste Industry, and all the hard work they do. Providing essential services to keep out world moving, and a better place. I want to thank every person inside the Industry, and what a great job your doing. If you have a request of a truck, container, company you would like to see be documented, please let me know. I will try my best to fulfill your request. I specialize filming the City of Albuquerque Solid Waste Department, but many others as well. Please enjoy my videos, always stay turned for more as the Industry always keeps changing. Thank you for viewing SWEP channel