The journey is the destination.
Welcome to my space, cluttered with 10 years of my cringe.
PvP, Video Game Music Extensions & Game Guides make up the majority of my channel.
I definitely spend more time behind the editor over ingame.
Online Handle: Aralevent
Pronunciation: A-rel-uh-vahnt
Name: Hajime Uesugi (δΈζ δΈ)
Nicknames: Ara, The-Freelance, Madara, Sensei (gdi you guys)
Budget, MMO-gaming tactician & Freelance. Emphasis on budget
Former E-Sports player, current washout E-fighter and wanderer
Favorite Stratagems:
~ A shield in their face, yield their place
~ Spark a wildfire, then flood it
~ If the battlefield is bad, bring your own
~ Effectiveness in simplicity
~ Always carry a lockpick
~ Strategy 101: Always disrupt the enemy's flow
~ If you can't see 2 steps ahead, BE 2 steps ahead
~ No need to battle if you hunt instead
~ If all else fails, retreat