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Hi I'm John from the Philippines, I love to look up at the d

Saturn at Opposition #Saturn #Saturnthroughtelescope #telescope #ring Mars and Jupiter Conjunction Jupiter - the gasgiant #planet #jupiter #telescope Half Moon | First Quarter Moon Saturn | Gas Giant Capturing a galaxy 2.5 million light years away from Earth - Andromeda Galaxy #andromedagalaxy Jupiter Through My Telescope Jupiter using a 60mm telescope Lunar Occulation of Venus | May 27, 2022 Looking at the sun today, there is a visible sunspot! Venus - Jupiter Conjunction! Milky Way Season Is Here! Planetary Alightment | Jupiter, Venus, Mars, & Saturn | Planet Parade #Planetary Alignment Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Saturn, & Milky Way Timelapse | Planetary Alignment I stacked the Milky Way timelapse shot by the phone and this is the outcome! Winter Constellation Venus, Mars, & Saturn Conjunction Full Worm Moon | Full moon of March 2022 Venus, Mars, & Milkyway! Approaching Thunderstorm! - Timelapse #timelapse #timelapsestorm #hugestormapproaching Big & Litter Dipper! #Bigdipper Waxing Cresent Phase Our home Galaxy - Milkyway! Orion Constellation - The Hunter Milkyway & Conjunction of the Moon - Venus - Mars #Milkyway Galaxy Full Snow Moon | Snow Moon | Full Moon of February 16, 2022! #shorts 2 Random Meteors! Very close video of Moon craters! Rising Milkyway Core The Milkyway with Venus and Mars rising to the Horizon The winter constellation Northern sky with a meteor Full Wolf Moon - The first Full Moon of the year 2022 Full Moon (Wolf Moon) - January 17, 2022 C/2021 A1 Leonard | Comet Leonard | Christmas Comet | Leonard | Comet Leonard 2021 C/2021 A1 Leonard - Comet Leonard - Christmas Comet - December 24, 2021 Venus, using a small telescope Jupiter, Using A Small Telescope The Moon in daylight Earthshine Rosette Nebula in the constellation of Monoceros Messier 41 an open cluster in the constellation of Canis Major Pleiades - Messier 45 Andromeda Galaxy