Welcome dear viewers on Swant NoLimits!
On this channel you can find Swant Vlogs from amusement parks, fairgrounds and zoos through all of Europe
Looking for my opinion about a park or ride? Then check out the Swant Review! We also have a couple onrides & offrides combineded with Cinematics from parks and rides.
For now all spoken content will be Dutch, but there are plans to do English videos in the future.
In short: Enough to look at. And if you like the channel, make sure to subscribe!
Twitter: twitter.com/TheSwant98
Instagram: www.instagram.com/TheSwant98/
Discord: www.discord.gg/6QkvxMk/
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Swant_NoLimits
YouTube: youtube.com/SwantNoLimits/