Gladius The Show is an acrobatic equestrian production created by Erik Martonovich and Alethea Shelton, two of the original cast members of the international touring sensation Cavalia. After decades of competitive vaulting, they started creating new acts to take to the road, incorporating aerialists, fire, and Roman riding. Over the years, they have been featured as headlining performers at countless events internationally.
The last several years have been dedicated to putting together a 90-minute touring production. They have formed a strong core group of four people, who live and reside in Las Vegas and work with these amazing horses everyday. Lisa Varmbo Martonovich (who is also Erik’s wife) and Nicole Czyzewski (who has been working with Erik and Alethea For nearly 30 years) are the other two key figures of the crew. Join them in their Grassroots effort to build a permanent show in Las Vegas!